June 26, 2007

A Celebration of Life

My paternal grandpa passed away on June 14, 2007. His body finally gave into the emphysema that he has been fighting for many years. He smoked for 40 something years I think and one day he just up and quit cold turkey. I think at that time he knew he had the on set of emphysema. If my memory serves right I think that was probably 15 or so years ago. He had been on oxygen for 5-6 yrs? maybe more... but it never slowed him down. He still had his garden. He lived a full and good life.... He was 83.

He was a WWII Navy veteran. Serving our country on the USS Intrepid Aircraft Carrier. His ship is now a museum on Staten Island in NYC, someday I would like to go up there and see it. Here are a few pics of his ship.

This pic was taken Nov 1944.

I was hoping that he would get well enough to see Caden before he passed, but that didn't happen. I went to visit him on the Saturday before the Thursday when he passed. I printed out about 5 pics of Caden to show him. He was very alert that day. He was watching golf and was very happy to see the pics of Caden. He had a full face oxygen mask on so he wasn't able to talk very much at all. My aunt went up there later and said that he was pulling the pics out for everyone that came in his room.. nurses and all... showing the pictures of Caden. That made me very happy that even in his last days he was still proud of his family.

We will all miss him, but we know he is in a better place now where there is no pain and he doesn't need that oxygen tank anymore. Here are a few more pics.

My grandparents at my Eagle Scout ceremony (1994).

And then him at my wedding...... 2005

I love you grandpa.


Our Family said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. Praying for you guys

Anonymous said...

Chris...I'm so sorry for your loss. That was a very touching story you posted. I'm glad you shared all of that with your friends. Love ya....Jennifer H.

Amy said...

I am sorry for your loss. He sounds like a great man. I have such tremendous respect for WWII vets (my grandpa was one too).