March 07, 2007


As you might guess from my title I finished my latest 5K in 44:22. That is about 4 mins quicker than my 1st Race back in Dec. There was some good hills over there in Little Rock. There was one BIG hill that was pretty tough, but on the flip side I made up alot of time flying down it. Hopefully next year I can try for the Half Marathon or Half Marathon Relay and see some of you guys working the water stops on that side.

Once again I was the only wheelchair in the 5K. Let me get on my soapbox for just a minute. I know everyone means well.... but I wouldn't pay and enter a race if I didn't think I could do it. I have plently of people who passed me. I was 155/191 for the men and 356/534 overall for the race. I know I'm not winning this thing. But the whole race I have people telling me "You're doing great" and "You're awesome keep it up". Like I said I know they mean well but it just makes me feel like it is all in pity. I don't want anyone's pity. NO I dont want anyone to PUSH me. If you entered a race would you let someone carry you? NO! All I want (and most people who are in a chair would probably agree) is to be treated the same as you would an able-body person. Think about that the next time you see someone in a wheelchair.

I am trying to find my next race... So as soon as I decide on it I'll be back to the training. I think I'll take a couple weeks off.


Chad Gardner said...

Someone offered to push you??? What a crock.

On another note... did you get to see the wheelchairs that the guys were using in the longer race? Every year I swear, their wheel chairs get more and more sophisticated. We were all standing down at the foot of the broadway bridge on the NLR side of the river when the runners came down the bridge. The wheelchair guys came down earlier since they started 5 minutes before everyone else. Keep up the training! We look forward to seeing you on the NLR side soon.

Our Family said...

I cannot believe someone offered to push you! You're right, people do mean well, but then again, they just aren't thinking. Glad you beat your last time. Way to go! Sorry that we didn't make it. We already had plans when I read your post about heading this way.

Hope Michelle is feeling okay.